Reading like a writer

Back in February, I was interviewed by The MFA Project, a tumblr created by Rebecca Wallwork as "an experiment in creating one's own MFA education via a dream team of teachers without the price tag of a degree. In other words, an MFA that is complete fiction."...

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Home As Heart and Hearth

Home As Heart and Hearth

HOME AS HEART, AND HEARTH: STORIES AND IDEAS was a discussion on what exactly makes a home—how it’s built, how it’s found, and how it’s sustained - which was created and nurtured by BETH KEPHART, this year’s Beltran Teaching Award winner. On March 1, 6 PM, at the...

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Try Something New

Try Something New

We’ve all been there: stuck. The pages seem flat; we don’t know what comes next.  And what’s worse, writing is a lonely business, so there’s no team, or department, not even any customers to get ideas from. Before a lack of inspiration becomes full-blown writers...

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The Gifts of Retreat

The Gifts of Retreat

It’s 94 degrees in Brooklyn, and I am writing in a pair of blue cashmere fingerless gloves. They are a gift from a dear friend – crafted from recycled goodness, and sent from Canada. They are also a shared talisman that connects me to my tribe: a group of women who...

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Writing tips…

While writing a recent response letter to one of my students, I found myself offering her advice that was also meant for me: "Setting the scene, locating your character, revealing her motivations…that’s all discovery material just for you, the writer. Once you have...

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