Tarot With Reiko
Are you looking for some inspiration? Some way to tap into your all-knowing self to tell you what you need to know? Maybe you want to know how to go forward. What’s next? Or perhaps you have come to a fork in the road and you aren’t sure how to choose your direction. Are you experiencing writer’s block or a need to rekindle your connection to your story? Want to know why you can’t focus, or what you should be focusing on?
When I have questions like these, I pull a Tarot card.
Tarot has been an incredibly helpful way to get myself started, or going again; to get around my blocks and habits; to take some risks and find some epiphanies. I also use it for plotting and character development, looking for secrets and complications and clues to what’s hiding in plain sight.
“I can feel Reiko’s deep connection to the cards, and this connection serves as a bridge, or channel if you will, for the seeker to gain messages and wisdom from their own soul. I received the validation I needed to stay on my path, and it was delivered by Reiko’s pure vision and understanding of the brilliance contained within the cards. Her translation and interpretation is impeccable, and I trust this woman (I always have) to offer compassionate, intuitive and clear information that always serves.” -RadHa

Your Session
In our session, we will use The Shining Tribe Tarot, a deck that evokes the sacred life energy that we share through a broad range of spiritual traditions and connections to the natural world. The deck was created by Rachel Pollack, a writer and world-renown master of Tarot, who tells us that Tarot is a channel for reminding ourselves of what we already know. We will start by discussing your questions and then select or create the perfect spread for you.
PERSONAL READINGS: Readings for life questions are usually about 30 to 45 minutes long. Please know that Tarot does not tell you your future, nor does it answer yes or no questions, or give you specific time frames. Your reading will begin with you discussing the issue so we can frame the question, so there is no fortune telling here either. Tarot is great for understanding the energy of where you are, and your choices, and the possibilities being offered. As the session unfolds, we will talk about the issues you are having; and continue to interrogate what is coming up until we have a clear picture for where to go. Suggested donation for a personal reading is $100, with a certain number of pay-what-you-can and barter options available, depending on my schedule.
MANUSCRIPT CONSULTATIONS: Tarot works particularly well for questions about creative projects, including issues of character, plot and tension, etc. It’s a great way to move through writer’s block. A manuscript consultation is usually longer and more targeted than a personal reading, and can include brainstorming, or I may offer process suggestions or exercises to try, if they are relevant. Whatever unfolds in our 90+ minutes together, you will get what you need, because you are in charge. Your reading also includes a recording of the session and images of the spread and the cards. Cost for a manuscript reading is $230, as it is a unique combination of intuitive tarot exploration and craft and editorial suggestions.
Readings can be conducted via Zoom. In-person local readings can also be scheduled as long as it is safe to do so.
For scheduling questions and to inquire about booking a session, feel free to contact me.
Here is a selection of tarot blog posts for single card pulls to give you a sense of the cards and how they might be helpful to your process.
The Star – Tarot for Writers
But for the first time, I am sharing a card from a different deck – also by Rachel Pollack, in collaboration with Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean – called the Vertigo Tarot, which draws from characters from the Vertigo DC comics, including The Sandman. It is the antithesis of the Shining Tribe in its darkness; for a long time, I was actually afraid to buy it. But in the words of Gabrielle Roth, founder of 5Rhythms (and we’ll be doing some somatic practices and dance at the Grove which are very loosely inspired by her powerful creation), “There is no way in unless we embrace the dark.” As we are about to mark two very dark years of Covid, I am excited to share with you the the beauty and release that I have personally been finding from that embrace.
Ten of Stones – Tarot for Writers
My preoccupation, lately, has been about my path. What is it, really? The question comes out of rupture: just the latest in a list of personal and societal ruptures that we have all been dealing with, for much longer than just the no-good-horrible-very-bad year of...
Nine of Birds – Tarot for Writers
So I pulled a Tarot card today. This one, for us, in preparation for our virtual convening, The Grove. Honestly, I was hoping for something inspirational, something like The Star to indicate rebirth and a new beginning. I know – and I say it all the time – that...
Keeping the Faith – Tarot for Writers
I have been thinking a lot about the artists’ vision. I spent four days at the CraftBoston holiday fair with my partner, a ceramic artist, surrounded by incredibly beautiful handmade objects. Every artist had a different vision. Some found their collectors more...
Getting Unstuck – Tarot for Writers
Sometimes I feel like my whole year has been in Mercury retrograde. With one thing after another, there has been a lot of waiting, a lot of postponing, and a lot of loss. I have been stuck—in situations that are not my choosing, with no path forward—and in talking...
When You Are Overwhelmed
This last month has left me reeling. My father passed away suddenly, and what spins into that (as we raced across the country to say goodbye), and out of that (in the long process of settling and celebrating his life) is a lot to do and feel. Add to that that my...
We are living in a time of reversals, losses. There are political shifts, yes, but also very immediate human suffering, both on the incomprehensible level of war, aggression, terror, refugees, exclusion, and brutality, and also the personal level of the individual. ...
Going Deeper
Every day, I work with writers. From those who are just starting out, gathering their thoughts and looking for tools, to those who have been published. Right now, I am sending off my last letters of advice to my MFA students at Goddard College, and I am also trying to...
Tarot for Writers: Awakening!
Do you need help grounding your writing? Want to know why you can’t focus, or what you should be focusing on? Maybe you want to know how to go forward. What’s next? Or, if you have come to a fork in the road, how do you choose? When I have questions like these, I...