Wet, Not Bisqued
Ming just returned from a five-day ceramics workshop. He was learning about wedged coil building, which is something he has never done. He loves the wheel, and he is used to making four pieces in an afternoon; but last weekend, it took him four days to finish a single...
Lost in the Timeline
If the past has already happened; if it is an event or thing that is at least as far away from “now” as the split second we need to begin to describe it… And if the future is a realm of possibilities that might manifest someday, but that exists now only as fretting...
Laughing with the Dalai Lama
The last time I saw the Dalai Lama (I love saying that), I had a date with my then-estranged husband to hang out in Central Park and listen to a talk on compassion with some 200,000 people. He didn’t show up (the estranged husband, not the Dalai Lama). This time, I...
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother's Day, Mom. And also Dad, who too often these days has to be Mom too.
Guns in School
My son was shot three times – in school – by a BB gun, and I didn’t know it. He was shot in the back, and in the ankle, and at the base of his skull. This was not a single, isolated spree of a crazed shooter in the school yard. Five different sixth graders shot their...
BB Guns
I made a deal with myself today to let my brain take a break and to be guided instead by my inner knowing, even if I ended up at the pizza parlor when I was trying to get to the dentist's office. This experiment was to help me get back in touch with my writing voice,...
I found a friend on the telephone recently. I answered it in the house I grew up in, and this caller, upon discovering who I was, told me he'd been following my writing. He said a lot of nice things about it - about how it was male and also female, in the way the...
Happy Birthday, Mom
Today is my mother's 68th birthday. The bad news is, she doesn't remember. The good news is, we remind her often and she always seems pleased - if surprised. And then there is the cake. Most of us will, at some point, lose our mothers. Many have already lost her. In...
Happy Easter
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not...
Writer’s Block and Health Care Reform…
My blog on their blog again! Sorry you have to click the link this time, just trying to raise my voice. :-) Here's a sample: It's real. People are afraid. Not of what exists, but of the possibility that we aren't actually sure what's in front of us. It might be worse...